“We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.”

Bill Gates

Editing is a multi-step process and should be executed methodically.

You’ve done the hard work of writing, but you need to ensure that your intended message, idea, creativity, and communication all come through in your manuscript.

I recommend an editorial evaluation when you’ve done as much to your manuscript as you believe you can. Once the evaluation is complete, be ready to do some rewriting and reframing of your manuscript. The goal is to highlight areas that can be improved before moving on to deeper and more technical edits.

Please keep in mind that an editorial evaluation is not a developmental edit. An editorial evaluation identifies what works and what doesn’t in the manuscript. It focuses on getting your work to an editable state, whereas a developmental edit provides in-depth feedback and guidance to shape your work . An editorial evaluation could identify the need for a developmental edit.

When you hire me to perform an editorial evaluation of your work, I will ensure that you are aware of all the steps your manuscript will need in order to be ready for publishing. This will help you plan and budget your edits and will help you achieve a polished end product.

My process involves:

  • reading your manuscript thoroughly
  • identifying any clarity, continuity, or readability concerns
  • determining if there is clear perspective, voice, plot development, and interest
  • looking for plot holes, room for further development, inconsistencies
  • assessing grammatical issues, word choices, and conscious language
  • providing a detailed evaluation letter with feedback, guidance, and outlines of editorial needs

As part of my editorial evaluation, I will flag any easily resolved conscious language issues; however, I may recommend authenticity reading or rewrites if there are recurring concerns in the manuscript.

FEES: $0.024 per word, $300 minimum

What people are saying:

“Tali was the first person to read our book and see what it could be. She supported our writing and publishing initiatives and gave freely of her knowledge and expertise. Her thorough and thoughtful process and commitment to success helped improve the flow and development of our writing. She helped us tell a coherent story and identify our target audience. She also gave genre specific suggestions and guidance. Her attention to detail included mindful and respectful suggestions about language and topics surrounding diversity and equity. Her wording recommendations, and her encouragement to seek out sensitivity readers, were instrumental to our development as authors and advocates.”

Marnie Schwartz
Co-author, Empower Your ViBE: Igniting Your Passion, Purpose, and Brand to Unleash Your Unstoppable Best Self , (coming soon)